The recreational use of marijuana is becoming more and more popular as the stigma for using it decreases. With many options available, what should you be looking for when buying CBD products? In this article, we debunk some common myths about CBD and show you how to find the right CBD product for you.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of over 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Unlike its more famous counterpart, THC, CBD does not produce a psychoactive effect. This means that you won’t feel “high” after using products containing CBD.

Despite this, CBD is still associated with many potential health benefits. These include reducing anxiety and pain, as well as helping to control seizures.

CBD is available in a variety of forms, including oils, capsules, and even gummies. It can also be added to food and drinks or taken as a supplement.

If you’re thinking about trying CBD, it’s important to talk to your doctor first. This is because CBD can interact with other medications you may be taking. It’s also important to buy CBD products from a reputable source. This will help ensure that you’re getting a product that contains the amount of CBD listed on the label.

Myth #1: CBD is dangerous because it’s a psychoactive drug

CBD is not a psychoactive drug and is therefore not dangerous. CBD does not produce the same high that THC does, so it is not addictive. CBD has been shown to be safe and well-tolerated in humans, even in large doses. A single study showed that CBD can actually counteract some of the effects of THC, such as memory impairment and paranoia.

Myth #2: CBD Oil should be taken orally

It’s true that CBD oil can be taken orally, but it’s not the best way to use it. The digestive system isn’t very good at absorbing CBD, so most of it gets lost before it ever reaches the bloodstream. In fact, studies show that only about 6% of the CBD in a given oral dose actually makes it into the bloodstream.

Myth #3: CBD is illegal and not FDA approved

CBD is not currently illegal in the United States, though it is not FDA approved. CBD products are not currently regulated by the FDA, so it's important to do your research and talk to your doctor before using any CBD products. Some states have their own laws regarding CBD, so be sure to check the laws in your state before using CBD products.

Myth #4: CBD will get you high

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in cannabis plants. Unlike its more famous cousin THC, CBD does not produce a high. In fact, CBD has been shown to counteract the psychoactive effects of THC. So if you're using CBD products that contain THC, you're not going to get high from them.

Myth #5: CBD can only treat wellness issues, it’s not strong enough to fight serious diseases

CBD is a powerful compound that has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of conditions, both mental and physical. While it is true that CBD is not currently FDA-approved to treat any specific condition, there is a growing body of evidence to support its efficacy in managing various health issues.

CBD has been shown to be particularly effective in reducing inflammation, which is often at the root of many chronic diseases. In addition, CBD has also been shown to be effective in reducing anxiety and improving sleep quality, two factors that can contribute to better overall health.

While CBD is not currently considered a 'cure-all' by any means, the evidence increasingly supports its use as an integrative treatment for a variety of conditions. If you are considering using CBD for your health, it is important to speak with your doctor first to ensure that it is right for you.